the lash talk

Top 5: Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting Volume

So you want to advance into the volume lashing world. Ya girl is here to guide the way so let’s get right to it!

Here are the top 5 things I wish I knew before I started:

1. You are only as good as your product.
You absolutely must INVEST in your products to provide a quality service. In other words,

2. There is a place and time for self-teaching, but learning volume is neither the right place nor the right time. As an entrepreneur, I admire all the self-starters out there—but there are some skills you just can’t master on your own. Not only do you need to invest in your product, you also must invest in proper training. (read how to find the right trainer for you)

3. Don’t expect to become the Picasso of volume overnight. That shit takes time. Even I’m still learning new things and improving; so think of it as an ongoing process.

4. Sitting 6 hours to do your sets is neither productive nor fun. Split your models into 2 sessions. You will thank me later.

5. And finally… DON’T CONFORM TO THE NORM. I am firm believer that: rules are meant to be leaned so you you can learn how to break them. Tap into that curiosity of yours, don’t let other people tell you, YOU CAN’T. Because, GIRLLLL, YOU CAN!